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Trip to meat the Wild horses in Japan 

The Cape Toi.

The very south tip of Kyushu island in Japan has the protected area for the wild horse. 

Wild horses are living in that cape freely eating grasses, mating and walking around the road.

There is a gate to keep the horses in the cape. The gate closes 6pm.

So we rush to enter this cape.

On the way to south of this cape, there is a small island, Sachisima, for wild monkeys.

What a wild heaven! Want to visit someday but not today. The horse gate!

we just barely pass the gate the stuff almost close and finish her job of the day.

once we entered the wild horse area, All driving cars need to respect the horses. 30km/h is maximum speed we can drive.

There are few hotels and camping site in the area.

Fisherman hotel in cape Toi

We stayed one of small hotel owned by quiet fisherman.

There is a mystery structure on the building roof.
He taught us, we can see the rocket launcher from the roof top.


we see the Kagoshima JAXA rocket launcher pad.

This place ,just be a great sunset view spot.

He also run a boat tour to catch the flying fish.

He is a chef too, so he cook after we catch the flying fishes.

of course dinner were amazing seafood. We enjoyed the real daily catch.

these are cheapest meal courses. Became super full.

I want to try that fishing cruise to catch frying fishes next time, also want to see the rockets launching. I must come back here.

Wild horse spot and night at the cape toi

There are few hotels in this cape. Which means super dark at night.

I was excited to see the stars in the darkest night. I pick this spot. Komatsugaoka Hiroba.

this is also this is a one of wild horse’s favorite spot to eat grasses.

we saw the great Milky Way and shooting stars.

Shaky hand held iPhone picture of the milky way

…and horses!
These wild horses do not care about us.

they keep eating and came very close to us.

during we gaze the stars (and horses)

the police came came by. I. Why The police came to this very dark dark quiet parking lot?